Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Unexpected Fair

Today, SK drove us into the city to have some lunch and to walk-around, since the weather was quite pleasant. Coincidentally, there was a fair going on opposite where we parked. Probably a continuation of the Strawberry fair held last weekend. It was quite a bonus as besides the usual inflated slides, rides, games, food and art&craft stalls, there were a few surprises you don't expect in a usual fair.

There were several oversized agricultural horses lazing around having their lunch, whilst the public stared and patted them, took pictures with them and read about them. At one point, one of them decided to pee. OMG, it was like a high pressure tap!After several seconds of not blinking, I quickly stood a few feet back from it's behind......

Anyways, FIL carried Tobey to to pat one of it. He was quiet and abit reluctant to touch it initially, but did so when I ask him too. I guess it's daunting to see a horse in real-life up close, not to mention such a huge one.
Then there were the replica steam powered vehicles. A few of them were choo-chooing across the field. Tobey was SO fascinated. He kept going "choo-choo" and refused to take his eyes off them! Anything machine that moves or makes sound, excites it till no end. What can I say, he's just being a boy.
(short in-between story in regard to his facination with electronics and machines: A few days back I operated the shredder to shred some documents. I pulled out my phone charger from the socket and replaced it with the shredder's plug, pressed on and shredded. I unplugged the machine and put it away after use. We've always told him how dangerous it is and he was never allowed to touch it. Last night he copied my every step. Pulled out the lap top charger, and replaced it with the plug from the shredder. The next thing we know, the shredder was shredding and he was running to us as he's still afraid of the sound it makes.

SK: You can NOT play with this! Who taught you how to operate it?!
Tobey: MOMMY!)

Then there was this re-enactment of medieval time. There were tents with beds inside and people cooking over wood fire. Then they decided to put on a fight right in the midst of the settlement. It must have been so confusing for Tobey to see armoured men, holding what looks like a much bigger version of mommies kitchen knife and striking at one another.

Our little boy is still not exactly exposed to any form of violence. Today SK bought him a Buzz Lightyear beamer that beams arrays of lovely LED light patterns on surfaces. It resembles more of a gun than anything. But he swiftly brought it to his head and went "Vooo Vooo Voooooo", as it's a HAIRDRYER to him.

1 comment:

Tsu Lin + + said...

SK: You can NOT play with this! Who taught you how to operate it?!
Tobey: MOMMY!

CLASSIC!!! This is so ROFL for me!! Way to go, Tobey.

And i like his creative thinking, that the light-saber is a hairdryer instead. :) What a cutie.