Saturday, June 13, 2009

6 monthly dental check-up

waiting for out turns in the dental clinic
All three of us went for our dental check-up a few days back. It was Tobey's 2nd. After months of complaining how slow his teeth growth was, there's no stopping them now. In the span of 3 months, he's grown another 7 teeth, including his canines (which are suppose to grow after the molars, according to his dentist). Also confirmed that 2 molars are breaking through. Tobey also have got a fused tooth. Both his Upper Central and Lateral Incisors are fused together. Nothing serious. He'll probably have a bigger tooth replacing the milk version of it later on.

Tobey was a good boy throughout. We explained to him why mommy/daddy has to have their teeth checked. He was very fascinated by the patients chair's mechanism. When it was his turn to hop on, his expression was priceless. He chose a Scooby-doo sticker from the sticker tin offered by the dentist, as a reward for being a star :)

1 comment:

Tsu Lin + + said...

Oh, Tobey is such a brave boy! So inquisitive.

I still can't get my head around the fused tooth!