Friday, October 10, 2008

Noodle reading

After a long day out, we were both dead tired

Me: can you fry-up those leftover noodle for dinner?
SK: Sure, tell me how.
Me: Just fry garlic, throw in some cabbage and prawns, fry-fry, then add the noodle with a round of dark soya and light soya. 5 mins job. Then we can rest.
SK: Ok.

30minutes later, this was the result

It tasted so darn good. Instead of just cabbage, he thinly cut carrots, capcicums, AND cabbage.
This plate of noodle says alot about my dear husband. He's unlike me, he's unable to do it the easy way.

1 comment:

Tsu Lin + + said...

WOW SK!!! Looks darn blardy good too. Looks like it was outta a recipe book - geee........... Puts us to shame.

See, his "practice" (slaving) during uni days really helped him through life.