Friday, September 19, 2008

Almost a Break-In

At 2 am this morning, I heard a strange noise. Bionic ears SK was snoring away (I am the Magnificent nose ML by the way as I can smell betterl). It sounded like someone was shaking the handle of the french door at the back of our house vigorously. I woke SK up. He looked out the front window which faces the front of our house and I looked at the back, which faces the back garden. I saw no one, it was too dark. SK saw a youngster in front of our house, staring at it.

SK : "Oi!!! What are you doing here!"
Guy: "It's a...errr...I am knocking for Adrian" (in a low voice as if making it up as he went along)
SK: "Huh??"
Guy: " I am knocking for Adrian!" (in a louder voice)
SK : "No such person here!"
Guy: "Alright then" and walked away

SK then went downstairs to check. When he shined the torch into the garden, I was also looking out from the upstairs window. When he shined into the middle section, I saw a pair of legs moving away, running to the left. I immediately checked on Tobey. He was snoring away and there weren't any thieves in his room. Phew! We carried on looking and checking but no one was around by then.

Here's what we gathered. Two hoodie thieves came on a mission to steal my laptop (which is located in the dining table. One went over the garden fence and another one kept watch at the front of the house. When SK was conversing with the "guard" thief, his partner (s) in crime must have hidden himself.

I was bemused. My laptop is not visible from the kitchen window (the only window passer-bys can peep in). So how in the world did those scumbags know that the back door is the nearest to the lappy? Then again, they could be just trying to get in just to do a general robbery, not targeting anything specific.

Earlier in the day, the estate agent brought along a couple in their 50s to view our house (as we are currently trying to sell). This couple looked scruffy (think gypsies who lives in caravans) and basically "just not the type that would make us an offer". They were really friendly. But at a point during the viewing, I noticed from a distance that the husband was looking at my back doors really closely, as if examining it. I thought maybe because we are one of the few the street who still having our original wooden windows and doors and not the UPVC double glazed ones (UPVCs keep more warm in during the winter months, hence making the house more desirable).

Now that I think of it, that couple probably told their son and his mate(s) about the inside of our house and they decided to rob us. What they didn't know is that we have a million other latches on each door which we diligently make use of each night! So Stoooopid.

I am actually very angry that they got away with it. I was thinking whether we could have handled things differently. For instance,

1) If SK were to answer : "Oh yes, you wait, I'll get Adrian for you" Then quickly run to catch hold of that "guard" thief while I call the police. Would it be better? He would probably be bashed up and then get robbed. As there were more than one of them in the operation.

2) If SK just kept quiet and secretly alert the police. They might have managed to break-in somehow and again we would get bashed up and robbed.

The ideal is for us to own a gun. No need a real gun, a bb gun or an air gun would do. We would just need to shoot them unconscious and then get the police on them. Since we don't own a gun of any sort, I think I will keep a few rocks in my room tonight.


Tsu Lin + + said...

Urgh. Maybe your suspicion is right... maybe it was them. Have to be extra diligent from now onwards!!! So scary! (Hide anything remotely expensive-looking from the house buyers from now on)

Urgh to the hoodies. Lock up lock up! Luckily you were alert enough to hear the noise!!!!! OMG!

chip-pea said...

@TsuLin: So scary you know. Anyway, we are double locking everything from now on.

Anonymous said...

This is very shocking. But you both did the right thing, and not your risky options. Extra careful now, I'm sure.

Skye said...

If you ask me, what you did was the sensible thing to do. As long as you're safe and nothing gets stolen.

Roslyn said...

So scary! My house is so easy to break-in.....

chip-pea said...

@Siew: Yes, every little noise wakes us up nowadays :(.

@Sukye: I know...sigh...

@Roslyn: It was. I couldn't sleep well a few nights after.