Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Gestational age - 6 Weeks

I called in sick today. Was running a fever. It's been a while since I got this sick. I think my body is still trying to get use to the fact that it's housing a baby now.After lots of sleep and 1 litre of orange juice later, I am feeling much better now. The problem with me recovering fairly quickly is that people at work often not convinced that I have actually been sick since my sick period is often just 1 day! Oh what the hell, if they care to look at my sicky leave history, it has always been only a day each time.

My baby is the size of a walnut and with a heart the size of a poppy seed at 6 weeks (no wonder my belly is not showing yet!)It has got buds on it which will grow into arms and legs. Can't wait for it to grow bigger. I have been eating my Sanotagen multivitamin diligenty and have been eating full nutritiuos meals everyday. I have also ensured that I get enough rest and exercise everyday.

SK has been really sweet, he thinks that all I should do around the house is to fold clothes...hmmm...I don't think so!

Will update when my baby is the size of an apple inside me...


Skye said...

Even when Dominic was the size of a walnut, he felt heavy in my womb. I.e. when you've been walking or standing you can feel the weight and strain on your uterus. Do you feel that?

chip-pea said...

yeah, I do feel a 'pulling' feeling in my uterus after walking too long...sigh, what a heavy walnut I am having!