Friday, May 02, 2008

What a strange night

As with any other night, Tobey went to bed around 9pm and about an hour later me and SK retired to our room for some reading and me some more websurfing (I am not much of a daily reader, I prefer finishing a pageturner in 3 sittings) before turning in for the night.

SK: What's that noise? Where is it coming from?
Me: The neighbours are blasting the radio from their car again...just now whilst putting Tobey to bed, I also heard them playing their music loudly from the house, and it's not even Saturday night!!! *GRUNT*
SK: sounded like Boyzone
Me: (wht a coincident, I was listening to Boyzone earlier in the day as well)

10 mins later....I heard a creak on the floor board as if someone just stepped heart skipped a beat ...

Me: What's that??? Who's that???
SK: Lemme go check...

he went downstairs...the source of music got nearer and nearer's actually from OUR hi-fi!!! CREEPY! Who turned it on in the dark??? By this time, my mind is racing, "is it a robber? Why did he turned on the music? OR is is something from "the otherside"??? Should I go rescue my husband?

Then I heard someone came upstairs...and it was SK....

SK: your dear son set the TIMER on the hi-fi to go off at 10pm!

Great..(sorry neighbours)..but what about that foot step??

And in my sleep that night, I had another of my ratty dream again. I dreamt that a relative caught a disgusting black rat and was dangling it by it's stripey tail and as he was walking pass me, the mouse touched my back!!

"AAEEEEEEEKKKK" I woke up shrieking like a hyena....and woke my huband up...."stupid dream" is his version of sympathy talk at 3:45am....

Tobey woke at 5:15am demanding for milk. Whilst preparing his milk in the kitchen the question of that unexplained footstep kept playing in my head (for a minute I thought I felt a pair of eyes was watching me from behind)...

That's what I get for reading ghost stories online before bed...tonight I must read something practical like "how to grow sweet potatoes" or "money saving tips"...hehehe


Tsu Lin + + said...

Eeeps! Sounds so creepy - was it really just your imagination? Tobey is a smart boy, turning on the alarm to scare you. Haha!!!

chip-pea said...

I hope it was my imagination...I was like that too for a few nights after reading Zewt's creepy toilet ghost story a few weeks back.

Anonymous said...

I get scared easily from reading too. I have a VERY WILD imagination. That is why, during my pregnancy, my ob actually wrote in my card, NO-THRILLER/HORROR-NOVELS for the entire nine months. So I read only romantic fictions with happy endings.

chip-pea said...

Siew- OMG!Your Ob actually wrote that?! Hahaha! Good imagination makes good writer as well I believe :))