Friday, October 19, 2007

Week 19

This week Tobey mastered the art of sitting unsupported when he concentrating on what he's doing (not when he's focused on his toys). He learned that if he's tumbling to his sides, he could use his hands to push himself upright again, and when he's tumbling backwards, he can head forward to avoid falling on his back. He's still practicing hard and relentlessly every chance he gets! During nap times, when he's got other ideas other than napping (like chewing on his toys), he'll try to sit up (It'll be interesting when he can climb down his cot). Sometimes, I had to resort to literally pressing him down (with all my might, as he's one strong boy) just to keep him horizontal. This boy can get really stubborn and this newfound skill of his (or rather ab strength) enable him to choose play over nap even though he badly needed some sleep! A bit like mommy.

He also managed to flip from front to back in his play cot. This came as a surprise to us as he hasn't really champion the skill of flipping from back to front yet. SK defended his dear son by saying that there's no benefit for him to flip from back to front,but by flipping from front to back he can actually get into a restful position. I think that's just the father in him talking. In my opinion, my son just hates to be on his front as it stops him from getting to his thumbs comfortably.

Current favorite habit would be swinging his toys really hard left and right until they flew off onto the floor. Can't wait to see what's next :)

1 comment:

Tsu Lin + + said...

Another huge milestone! And he's polished his posing skills very well too... look, it look sas though he's posing for some magazine shots for clothes or toys.