Friday, April 13, 2007

Still pregnant...

...exactly 33 weeks and 2 days......this is getting tiring to say the least. I feel imprisoned in my own body, infact it's not my body anymore, it's just a vessel, a baby carrier, a place to grow and mature this precious baby of mine...tick-tock, tick-tock.....time is passing me by TOO slowly!

He's growing really BIG...uterine stretching on my upper right side, below the ribs is not ticklish at all. If I were to sleep in the wrong position, the pain resembles the agony of tearing skin. My midwife said given the position my baby is lying (bum under the ribcage), it's very NORMAL..furthermore, this baby is relatively bigger compared to my body frame.

Oh, I also realised that I am not as 'able' as I use to be, in terms of energy level and speed of carrying out tasks. I do try to walk as a form of exercise, but every half hour, I'll have to stop and rest. No more walking the mall for hours without even a wee break. Now, I have to be in close proximity to the loo. Doesn't matter that each time I go, I'll only eliminate like 10 ml, but if I have to go, I have to go NOW!

Thank GOD I am on leave (annual then maternity). Although it's boring when you can't do much, at least I can sleep the 10 hours I NEED nowadays. Plus, I can plonk myself on the bed for a lie down whenever I need to. Seriously, I do not know how many Malaysian friends and relatives that I know that could work right up to their due date...

So what can I do when I can't do much and have too much time? Now that the hospital bag is packed, all clothes are washed, the nursery is ready and all major cleaning has happened, all I can do is to read and rest and eat and suft the net and cook and WAIT...patiently I'll wait.....

All I want is just to hold this little boy in my hands as soon as possible..... for the next chapter to unfold.....

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