Monday, March 22, 2010

Baby Number Two

First scan at Hinchingbrooke Hospital Treatment Centre

Yup I am 3 1/2 months pregnant with Tobey's bro/sis :)

Although I have been through all these before, for me, this baby is entirely different from Tobey. It's a new life altogether. Today we went for the first scan. I was moved beyond words when I saw my little baby inside of me. After making sure that he/she has got 2 arms and 2 legs, the next thing I noticed was how sharp his/her nose is. Tobey had my button nose in his first scan pictures (he still has the cutest button nose). I guess this baby has SK's nose.

The first month of pregnancy was smooth sailing. I was telling my friends how I might have escaped from suffering any morning sickness this time around. With Tobey I had a few weeks of morning (2 hours each day max) nausea. I remember vividly munching on vinegar and salt rice cakes on the way to work. I spoke too soon obviously. Month 2 and 3 was torturous. Most days, I suffered from mild nausea ALL DAY LONG.I couldn't even vomit to relief it. I couldn't eat well, but if I was hungry, the nausea got worse. So I had to force food into my system for my sake and the baby's health. The sight and smell of certain food can really set me off. First it was chicken -on-bone (same case when I was carrying Tobey), then it was pork, then fish, then cheese...etc. At one point, I could only tolerate toasted bread with tomato sauce! Cooking for Tobey and SK was like an out-of-body experience. I did it without passion and just like a robot. MSG in outside food didn't agree with me as well. I suddenly found the smell of anchovies repulsive! I love food and my love for eating is common knowledge to everyone I know. So having such a 'touch-and-go' relationship with food genuinely saddened me. I couldn't even stand my usual favourite laundry detergent of Lavender and Camomile. I got tired easily and slept alot more. Long story short, I was at one of my lowest point in my life. The only thing that can relieve my morning sickness was a walk in the fresh open air. Unfortunately during those months, UK was suffering the coldest winter in 30 years. So a slow walk in the park was out of the equation. It was more like sticking my head out an open window for several minutes a time.

AAAAAnyways, every cloud has a silver lining...Spring came 2 weeks ago, a months late, but it came at the tail end of my morning sickness period. Most of my nausea went away along with the cold. I started vegetable gardening, took Tobey out for walks in parks, cycling and to the playgrounds, hanging my laundry on the washing line, visiting friends for lunch dates and sometimes just ate lunch in the back garden. Simple pleasures that 5 months a year of winter robbed from us. I hate winter. I really do. Snow no longer hold that magical feel to it and has no more 'wow factor' for me anymore. Snow is more like a massive inconvenience to our lives here, which centres alot on being outdoors. I lost count of the number of times my car skidded on frozen roads. When the sun came back, my appetite and energy returned too. I cooked up a storm. Portugese Curry Devil, Mango Rojak , Hokkien Mee, Wonton Mee, Prawn was such a relief.

I can't wait to hold this baby in my arms in September. I pray daily that this baby will be healthy and well-formed. We discussed for centuries before decided to have another child. Especially when it's just the both of us caring for both children in this foreign land. No maid, no relatives, no easily available yummy food (plus in a huge variety) to turn too when we don't feel like cooking for a week, no cheap childcare, the list goes on. All we hope is for he/she and Tobey will look out for one another in life and can be pillars of support and strength to each other. Especially when we are not around anymore (we'll be travelling the world! Woo Hoo!).

Two is our magic number.


Skye said...

Congrats Mei Ling! Saimun already told me the news during CNY! yes the list goes on but it's totally worth it I'm sure.

chip-pea said...

Thanks Sukye :) I'll need to get tips from you on raising 2 children soon :)

Roslyn said...

Exciting news! Congrats!

Tsu Lin + + said...

I love the last parts! "Especially when we are not around anymore (we'll be travelling the world! Woo Hoo!)."

Made me laughed!

I can't wait to see #2 and cuddle & hold her/him too. Steady steady, only less than 6 more montsh to go!

Tsu Lin + + said...

PS: Your hospital is so clean & nice. You should see the hospital that SW was born, looks more like a museum! I even walked in their underground dungeon before, it was so scary, as though "something" could spring out anytime soon.

chip-pea said...

@Roslyn: Thanks :)

@Tsulin: This treatment centre is new. But the maternity ward is located in the old wing, quite creepy looking too, sigh!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, chip-pea. I am so happy for you, though not for the nausea-bit. Looking forward to read more about #2's development. But don't forget to update more on Tobey, too. Gosh, he is such a big boy now.

KC Tan said...

Congratulation , happy to hear the news. Be strong. I am sure Tobey is good boy to "sayang" and cuddle mummy more.

chip-pea said...

@ Siew: Thanks :) I hope by that time when no2 is out, I'll still have time to update..haaha

@ KC Tan: Thanks alot.Most of the time Tobey is quite ok. He rubs my tummy and gives me hugs. But sometimes he'll just ask me to "do it mummy, just do it" especially when I can't run as fast to catch up with him on his bicycle. Hey all the best on your no2 too. Update more yeah :)

mun said...

Congrats! It would be fun for Tobey to have a brother or sister to play with. With his strong and charming personality, he would be a very good big brother. :)