Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Gulliver's Theme Park- Round 2

Almost exactly 2 years ago, we brought Tobey to this park. Can read the first account here. I remember it was really packed and there were many rides that Tobey couldn't get on. Not because of his height (he's already > 90cm, but because he was still pretty young (1 year 10 months old)). Last Sunday, which was Mother's day, we brought him there again to take advantage of the 'mothers go free' offer. It was forecasted to be raining in the afternoon, but we decided to bet against the weather. IT DIDN'T RAIN :P was abit gloomy at some points, but no rain.

There weren't many people there(probably because of the misleading weather forecast) so there was really minimal queue. We kept meeting the same set of parents and kids on the rides. This time Tobey went on each and every ride, except 2 out of 3 roller-coasters. He went to the smallest one. Like me and SK, our son hates rides with gravatical shift. here are several pics,

Notice the lady in front of Tobey? He has a son that kept running off screaming every time he's let loose from the stroller.. So funny!
Tobey got scared on this swinging ship ride. I had to ask the attendant to stop the ride immediately. Thankfully, they were the only ones on the ship, so he stopped it. He said that Tobey is considered a brave boy already, seeing that he's willing to give this a go.
Tobey rode this ride on his own. The boy next to him has got Chicken pox! He came and sat next to Tobey when the ride was about to start. Too late to do anything about it without seriously causing a scene.

If only..hahaha!

In the miniature church. He looks so serious.
You see, father and son having so much of fun!
At one of the teacups ride, Tobey spurned the cup too fast on it's axis until SK's compass got shaken and he was nauseous. FINALLY, I had a chance to go on some of the ride with my firstborn. We had so much fun. SK commented that he had more rides so far with Tobey than he ever had in his entire childhood. More to come dear! Fix your compass! (in two weeks time)


Anonymous said...

How come no pics of Mommy with Euan?

chip-pea said...

Hi Siew,

I am just recovering from massive post-natal hair loss, so don't feel like having my pics taken lately hehehe...hope you are recovering fine. Take good rest!

Melanie said...

looks fun!!

chip-pea said...

Hi Melanie,

Thanks for dropping by :)) I am sure this theme parks are nothing compared to the ones in the US. Nevertheless, it was quite exhilarating for a 3YO.

KC Tan said...

ML. can see both your darlings is big boy now. So happy to see Tobey plays n enjoy in all these photos..

chip-pea said...

Thanks KC!!! Sorry I took some timed to approved your comment, just that I haven't been logging on to bloggers for ages. Your boys are absolute cutie pies too :))