Monday, April 19, 2010

Pics updates

Weather has been fantastic.Tobey has been busy playing with friends and spent most of his time imagining different adventures in the garden. The other day he told me he's building sandcastles on the seaside (we have to bring him to the beach soon)..hehe...the last pic shows our attempt in planting vege seedlings into the ground. Tobey helped me with his new set of tools. They are choi-sums and pak-chois cultivated from seeds. We've also planted courgette seeds in pots to cultivate into seedlings, but they have yet to break through. Last weekend, we sowed salad and chives seeds directly into ground (it's possible to do so according to my friends' experiences). So fingers crossed. It's definitely won't be as good as FIL's vege patch last summer. But one can only try. Plus I found pottering around the garden is very therapeutic for both Tobey and me. SK does alot as well. But he's more interested in keeping the grass healthy, moss free and scaring cats away with some ultrasonic box, gel repellents, etc. He actually checks the perimeters for cat poos twice a day. Yup. TWICE.

I've been busy in the kitchen too. My firsts lately were mamak mee goreng and garlic loaf. The bread dough actually doubled in size after some waiting time, but I forgot to take a pic of it as I was busy punching the air out of it. Very satisfying. Highly recommended.

1 comment:

Tsu Lin + + said...

The photos of 3 of them on the chair is cute!