Friday, March 06, 2009

First sign of Spring

After a long, hard, cold and grey winter, (quoting a friend:) "There's hope in the land after all..." The sun was shinning generously today. Tobey took his shoes from the shoe cabinet and pointed to the front door, asking me to bring him out. So we went into town to soak up some sun. Under the sunshine, it felt like 12-15C, and very little chilly wind. We roamed into the touristy area again. The atmostphere were definitely student-ish.
At every cafe, street corner, and college entrance, I saw students congregating, having a bite whilst sitting on the stairs, riding their bikes and so on. I especially love peeping into those quaint little library with walls stacked high with books and has that musty look about it. Crocus, Daffodils and daisies were sprouting on grassy patches and students (yes, more of them) were lying on the grass lazily. Tobey was alarmed to see a student sleeping on the grass, with books as pillows. He pointed at him and ask me (in his own pre-English language) "What is he doing mummy, is he ok? Why is he being naughty and not sleeping on his bed? Is this allowed?" His expressions lately has been priceless. Recently, he chose to close his eyes and/or ears with his hands when there's something that I am asking him to do and it's not what he wants to do. Cheeky! As if saying see no evil, hear no evil

There was also a group of all Chinese students playing football. Tobey ran to them whilst screaming "Ball"! I guess he wanted to join in. Later on, a kind student of African origin threw a ball to Tobey and ask him to kick. He actually did kick it back to him. Scary how easily toddlers can befriend another.
New toy. SK thinking of getting an extension to where he's standing in the pic, so that he can ride-on comfortably.

We stopped for lunch in Jinling Noodle House. Big serving of food, hence made the price reasonable. It was definitely another student haunt, because when I ask " Got highchair?" the answer was a big fat NO. There was a couple sitting near us who's on their first date. I didn't eavesdrop, just that they were talking so loud! hehe...and both of them also from PJ.Small world. Their conversation was just so different from my time. First of all they don't beat around the bush, direct to the core questions were flying back and forth between them over wantan mee and fried vege ..." Are you seeing someone?"..."What do you want to know about Grace and me?", something like that. Ah, and of course alot of Facebook were mentioned as well :P.

Here's my innocent little boy, taking in the scenery (whilst mummy was eating reaallly slowly). I wonder how his first date conversations would be when he's in uni. I will be sure to part with wise words such as "don't rush into a relationship", "only choose when you are in your early 20's", etc.

I recently met a new friend Jane, who moved into my village last month. Her husband works in Cambridge University, and according to her, there are so many Malaysians there, both studying AND working for the uni. Now, if only there's a Malaysian Society here...

Here's a video of Tobey in action (excuse my voice, I realised that I sound as if I have a permanent blocked nose in videos or other recordings. It definitely doesn't sound like that in my ear when I am speaking. No wonder others always go quiet after I sing a karaoke song. Poor them.)


Anonymous said...

What a cute little guy! Oh, and btw, unless you think yourself the likes of American Idols, I think, everyone will probably have the same reaction to hearing their own voices on playback video, don't you think? I, for one, certainly do.

chip-pea said...

@Siew: Yes, How strange that it only happens to our own voices! And no, If I enter American Idol, I would be in the show where they show the worse singers who embarassed themselves on national TV! ROFL!

Tsu Lin + + said...

Those extension rider is so cool! I saw a friend having one and her elder son rode on it while his younger sis was in the stroller.

And I agree, everyone hears their own voice abit muffled. Strange. I wonder what do people with good voice hear?

And o_O If you embarass yourself on national tv.. well, at least you got yourself your 20secs of fame, rite? Unless you are like William Hung who got the better side of the bargain - I love his "dance movements"!

Skye said...

Actually you sound to me in the video like you always sound to me. :-) I think you just sound different to yourself because your ear canals are connected to your throat or whatever and the voice travels through that canal from the inside. Something like that. I hope I make sense. Haha!