Tuesday, July 31, 2007

7 Weeks old Tobey

- He loves looking around, more aware of his surroundings.
- Tries to pull himself up when we hold his hands.
- Loves sucking onto his fingers. Gets abit frustrated when unable to suck onto his thumb fully.
- Can stay on his rocking chair for up to 30 mins just watching Disney cartoons.
- Smiles ALOT!
- Tries to imitate mummy and daddy.
- Loves it when someone whistles to him.
- Body is 'straightening' up more.
- Eats 4oz every 3 hours. Have abit of reflux, so more frequent but small feeds. He loves his milk.
- Weighs more than 6 kgs.
- Beginning to 'need' entertainment during his awake times.
- Started on nursery rhymes.

1 comment:

Tsu Lin + + said...

I'm impressed by his milestones, esp the one where he sits on his rocking chair watching cartoons. FUNNY!

Also, Tobey is such a cutey. Look at his double chin!