The first few weeks with a newborn are said to be the hardest. VERY TRUE in our case. Is it because our son is a 'High-need' or fussy baby? Well, could be, but every baby is unique an has his/her own temperament. For Tobey, all the pre-baby idealisms about not introducing a pacifier, of not letting him get use to the 'sarong' are thrown out the window from week 1. SK and I know that Tobey will grow out of whatever clingy-ness or fussiness he's having in a couple of months time. So from week 2, we've decided to do and use whatever method or gadget to survive these grueling months.
It's the end of week 5 today and glad to say that we're beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel...still a faraway light though, but nevertheless offered much needed relief. Words can't begin to explain what a shocker week 1 & 2 has been. Looking after a newborn/firstborn all by myself whilst recovering from a c-section wound was no fun, especially when this newborn only goes to sleep after vigorous bouncing and swinging on his parents arms. So much tears shed, so many sleeps broken and we still soildered on because of this immense sense of love and responsibility for this kid.
Anyway my point for this post is to record down roughly the routine we kinda fall into nowadays - our little light
7 am: mummy wakes up to shower and dress, sterilise bottles and empty the nappy bin and goes back to sleep.
9 am: mummy and baby wake up. mummy bath and feed baby.
10:30 - 12:30 pm: Baby does some serious napping. Mummy does some housework. Ideally get to eat some brunch.
12:30 - 1:30 pm: Feed baby and baby stay awake a little to play.
1:30 - 3 pm: Baby 'cat- naps'- meaning mummy has to put baby back to sleep a gazillion times. Ideally gets to prepare dinner.
3 -4pm: Feed baby
4-5 pm: more cat naps
5-6 pm: Play time for baby (if he feels like it, else he can choose to cry out his excess energy)
6 pm - 7 pm: Wipe and change baby into his night clothes. Feed baby. Quick dinner slot for mummy.
7 pm - 8 pm: Daddy spends time with his son after his dinner, mummy showers and do some housework
8 pm: Feed baby and put baby to sleep.
then the night routine starts....basically baby wakes every 3-4 hours for his feed. Then mummy spend the next hour feeding, burping and keeping baby upright for at least 20 mins before putting baby back to sleep.
...and back to the start......