Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas holiday so far...

9 days of hols!

Day 1 & 2: We visited friends in London and had a great time visiting around the Docklands area, Canary Whaft and also went to Greenwich. It's amazing how enjoyable London can be when most of it's residents went away for Christmas. Oh, I tried the Tai Woon Mein restaurant for the first time. Quite big servings indeed.

Day 3: Chilled and watch TV in the day time and Christmas dinner at friend's in the evening.

Day 4: Cleared out the study to make way for the nursery and went to Ikea to get some furnishing. Dinner at Ikea.

Day 5: SALES starts today! Spent most of the day shopping objectively (a.k.a getting only things that we need). Mainly to get hubby's work clothes and baby stuff. Essential baby/nursery items weren't on sale (which annoyed me quite a bit). Mostly, only baby clothes was on sale. Of course my hands were itching to buy them, but not knowing the gender of the baby makes it almost impossible. I want to be able to indulge in pinks and purples or blues and combat green confidently and not just going neutral. So, I shall wait. Just one more week and I shall hit the shops again.

Day 6: Which is tomorrow. We plan to paint the nursery. Of course, have to decide the colour first. I hate pink or blue or purple walls anyways, so it won't be a problem. Hmm...maybe peach? we'll see...

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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