Sunday, March 05, 2006

Spring is in the air...

Originally uploaded by seriouslygood1.
It's still below 8 Celcius, and it still snows... I don't care, it's March! It's officially SPRING.....yippeeeeee!

Daffodils, Snow Drops and Crocus are all springing up from the ground, welcoming the longer days filled with Sunshine.

After such a never ending winter with nothing much to do, Spring brings reason to venture back into the garden, garden centres, pondering upon which vege to plant, BBQs into the nights, Bank Holidays,weekend trips, hanging clothes on outdoor lines without risking it being frozen, bright and airy house,waking up on saturday mornings to the sounds of the neighbours lawnmowers and simply butterflies and bees...

Spring, my favourite season of the year. It's all of the above and many more, but most importantly it signifies new beginnings.

1 comment:

Tsu Lin + + said...

How well-written indeed! Makes me "FEEL" like i'm experiencing spring although it's perpetual summer all year round in KL!