I just want to be able to deliver naturally, and be in and out of the hospital without having to stay in the hospital for 3 nights all on my own with a newborn after another Cesarean. After all the intensive head pounding research, I've decided to wait till 41 weeks. If I go into natural delivery by then, then good. Let's just hope the integrity of my stitches from 3 years back is good enough. Statistically, there's 0.35% chance of a rupture happening. There's also a chance of things going awfully wrong in a Cesarean or even a natural birth. Child birth is a risky business, period. If this is another late baby and exceeds the 41 weeks mark, I will go for another section. Under no circumstances I will be artificially induced again. No to epidural too during a VBAC (who knows, I might just turn around and beg the doctor for one when the time comes, we'll see..haha!).
Tobey has been behaving rather weird lately. Most of the time, he's the good boy he is. But, there are times when he shouts at us when he doesn't get his ways. At times he would resort to crying. Just a few minutes ago, he spat at me when I told him not to disturb his daddy who's taking a much needed nap.I noticed that these unacceptable behaviours happen more when his daddy is around. Maybe because he felt that daddy will always be on his side when he's up to no good. Me and SK (although we have slightly different method in disciplining), we try to discuss about it and stand united when confronting him. Our method is to 'nip it in the bud' each time firmly. I know it's called the 'Terrible Three' and all that, but apart of me wonder whether it's anything to do with the impending arrival of his baby brother. We do talk to him about his brother off and on. Telling him that we'll need to carry his brother because he won't know how to walk yet when he's out, about how his brother would cry alot as he won't know how to speak yet as he's not a big boy like him and so on. He's quite careful in not to jump on my tummy, sings to the baby and whenever I bump myself he would asked "Is baby brother alright?". Sometimes he would ask questions like "Does my baby brother like dark? It must be dark in mummy's tummy." Which is quite sweet :)
Anyhow, I am quite calm and prepared for the delivery (being the second time around). All I can do now is just to pray that everything to be alright.
Several pics I forgot to include in the previous post.