Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tobey Today

This morning, I dressed him up in this lime green shirt to go to church. I suddenly remembered I bought this 7 months ago and hidden it somewhere, whilst trying to sleep last night. My heart skipped when I saw how smart he looked in it. I asked SK to snap several pics whilst I made him his breakfast. He happily posed for his daddy as usual. After the first worship song in church, he tapped my shoulder and asked for his favourite "Row Row Row your Boat" song. He has already started rowing with his arms. "No baby, this is not music class". He ate all his lunch and took his usual 2 hours nap without fuss. In the evening, we had a great time singing his nursery rhymes, accompanied by SK's xylo-piano playing and his dancing. He likes holding onto SK's index finger whilst he tap away at the piano keys.The boy must have thought that his daddy's ability came from him, because he held onto his own right index finger (with his left index finger and thumb) and tried to make music. "No sunshine, you have to read the notes". We tried reading the notes to him in colour, "Tap yellow, red...." Now we know that chances are he was being cheeky when he handed me all blue lego blocks when I asked for the yellow ones.

You are growing up so fast my boy. I wish I could rewind and re-experience your childhood in the future :)


Skye said...

Haha. Reminds me of Dom in church. He was asking why the music was sooo slow and what song is it and where's Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?

Tsu Lin + + said...

He looks SO SMART in that shirt, and his haircut - handsome boy!

"No baby, this is not music class" - ROFL! Hahahaha.... you are probably choking back tears of joy while writing all this down.