Actually this check was done when Tobey is 8 1/2 months old, due to his tight (ahem) travelling schedule the past two and a half months.It was done by both a GP and a Health Visitor (HV).
Stats at 8 1/2 months old:
Weight: 10.54kg
Height: 75cm
(both of the above is charted between the 91st and 98th percentile in the growth chart for boys)
Head circumference: 46cm
Solid intake:
Tobey started on solid when he was 4 months old and was doing fine until back in Malaysia, when his appetite for solid when down and reliance on milk went up. That was extremely frustrating as he's suppose to gradually WEAN off milk! Anyways, once we got back to UK, back in my own kitchen, having access to fresh produce from my local familiar Tesco, his appetite came back. I've discovered that he is 'into' western cooking, as in he would eat any dish that is potato based instead of rice based. But being Chinese, I want him to get used to rice as this is an example of his daily menu
(Note: As he still hasn't got any teeth yet, all food has to be mashed finely or pureed. It's encouraged to feed baby lumpier food at this point in time in order for them to encourage verbal development...I guess chewing, yes they can chew with their gum, builds muscles required for speech)
Breakfast: Cereal with some fruits
Lunch: Scrambled omelette with salmon, potato and spinach with some grated cheese
Snack: A pot of Fromais frais
Dinner: Chinese rice porridge of anchovies, carrots and spinach with some fruit
Drinks: He has 22oz of milk and lots of water.
Now you can imagine how busy I've been in front of the stove!!! But it's all worth it when you see him enjoying his food.
Physical Development:
He can sit (4mths), stand supported(6mths), crawl and walk supported(6 1/2 mths). He still has not mastered the standing unsupported yet though.
Social and Emotional Development:
Socially, he loves company of both adults and children. He shows no reservation in approaching other kids when at play and would gladly smile and crawl to an adult he just knew. Emotionally,I think he's still having some form of separation anxiety and he demands of attention whenever he can. Hmmm..actually, I need to look more into this...
Speech Development:
The hums, screams, more so than babbling, which was a great concern for me. But the HV assured me that baby boys are slower in speech development as all their concentration is more on exploration of their surroundings. But I am told to encourage him further by making exciting and contrasting sound whilst reading to him, whilst going on a walk, etc etc... So both SK and I have been doing 'animal' sound as real as we can in hope that he will be interested to imitate us someday.
It does seem like the health services at your place is better than London. I don't remember Dominic having such a thorough check-up when he was 8 months old. I took him to the GP but all he did was weighed him and asked a couple of questions. I've never had a health visitor too.
Yes, it seems so too, I guess in little kampung like our place, where density of occupant are lower, there are more gwailo GPs and HVs that can afford to give more attention to each parent.
busy mummy... but healthy baby. and look at his hair, it's growing very fast!
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