..the first game my baby is trying to play with his mummy. I am 38 weeks and 6 days today, yet no sign of baby wanting to make an appearance. True, there's still 8 days more, but he is measured a week older by the sonographer at the 12 weeks scan (can't help but to repeat this again and again..just to give myself some hope at least).
Yesterday, whilst examining my belly, my midwife even said to this little boy " Time to think about coming out, little man!". It doesn't really help to know that my close preggy friend actually delivered at 38 weeks, plus many preggy blogs that I encountered also have the mummy popped at 38 weeks. So 'naturally', I was hoping that mine will be the same as well.
Other than having difficulty sleeping (it hurts as he tends to curl up to the upper region of the uterus when he's asleep, or when my bladder is full. I always felt like my lungs and ribs are being bashed up from within. Hence has to wake up every 2 hours to empty my bladder), I just get on as normal. Sometimes, I got so complacent I found myself even forgetting about the enormous life changing event that's gonna happen in a couple of days time. Well, it's hard and emotionally tiring to stay at the edge of my seat 24/7 when this baby is so contented to stay inside.
Urgh...enough of complaining. I need to go cook lunch for MIL and myself. And I am proud to record here that at this stage I still cook 2 meals a day, clean the house and can walk the mall for 6 hours :)
I hope to deliver good news in the next post...not such whiny ones.