Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Formula to Happiness

Nothing to do with the pic above, just like to decorate this space.

BBC is running this investigative series on the 'The Happiness Formula'. From the 15 mins watched, I gathered that they were trying to tell me that the key to UNhappiness is simply by wanting more all the time, by constantly keeping up with the Joneses and by setting an unachievable goals for ourselves...blah di blah da...all should just chill on the beach know the drill...

Funny enough, I stumbled upon an article in the Daily Mail last Sunday that claimed that having poorer friends around is the key to happiness. It went along the line of something like if you own a new BMW doesn't mean a lot if your neighbours all have the same car, or even less if they have a Ferari or a Rolls.

Very Human. Although I know of many that could swear that they don't do or feel any of the above at all, I don't believe them. I think that wanting more is in our DNA. It's an inbuilt self-motivation mechanism. But knowing when you have ENOUGH is the key. When one doesn't recognise, let alone count them, the blessings he or she has and start enjoying them, then that person will be on a quest for the unachievable happiness.

This is what I love about this place. ABSOLUTELY every issue is up for discussion on a national level. Every debate is like a passing flash. For a moment in media history, both the television and newspaper would cover it extensively, then it's gone and onto the next issue...I suspect the next would be about who is who's love interest in the upcoming Big Brother .....haha...just when you thought we are deep...

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