It's been almost 1/2 a year since my last posting. That's because my parents had quit their wi-fi at home and I've resorted to the old fashion way of sending them paper photos through the post. They prefers it that way. More tangible. Anyways, life has been going fine. Winter is here. Not as cold YET(praying very very hard for it to remain above 10c until Spring reappears.)
Kids are growing well. Euan is 15 months old and running around. He is a very cautious (very hard to earn his trust), focused, cheeky and determine person. Just like his daddy. However, he has my bad temper. He loves Woody and Buzz lightyear from the cartoon Toy story.

Infact, only Toy Story series can keep him seated on the sofa for a good 30 minutes whilst I zap around the house doing chores or taking my shower. That's because he's going through a serious phase of separation anxiety. He loves shoes and brings his shoes to us and ask us to wear it for him when he wants to go out. After his shoes are on, he would go tap on the door and say
"there". Pointing is his way to lead us to what he wants and explain to us what happened. For example he would point to his head when asked where his brother smacked him. Sigh. He loves to wear my house slippers and copy me in cooking and loading the washing machine. Infact he helps me load the machine sometimes lol!

He loves football. Always plays that with daddy...

and also developing a liking for books.

The good thing about the second one, we don't have to rush out to buy books/toys to assist his current development, like we did with Tobey almost every weekend in the early years. It's all prepared for Euan since he's born. Sometimes I wonder whether it's too overwhelming for him. So far, that's not the case yet. He seems to get drawn to certain things on his own as he grows older.
Tobey is now 4 1/2 years old. He started primary school back in September 2011 (Reception class).

He is growing up into a charming little gentleman with his daddy's mild temper , talks non-stop, inquisitive, very participative, learning to write and spell very well from school, very sociable, happy, sweet and kind boy. However, he does wears his heart on his sleeve like mummy. He is into bowling and video gaming on the Wii.

We do try to expose him to broader subjects, like aviation for example (hoping that he will want to be a pilot and we can retire in style :P)

Here's Tobey at m&m's World and Hyde Park Winter Wonderland fair in London. It was a long overdue 'mummy and Tobey' outing...(we had tonnes of fun on that day, chatting the whole day long. I really enjoyed his company)

I am impressed at the rate he is learning from his primary school. For example, his school is currently having "Science week" theme these few weeks. He came home today telling me about
"experiments" they did in school and locked himself in the washroom to do some
"experiment" with the hand wash. Something about bubbles. On this coming Monday we are suppose to dress him up as a mad scientist before sending him to school. Hmmm....Here is a shopping list (
"because daddy say it's important!")I asked him to write for me and his Christmas card to us (
he knows that 'xxx' means kisses haha) Bearing in mind that this is a progress from only able to write his name and to these in 3 months;

Both of my babies play and fight alot. Hence everyday is never boring in that aspect. Usually because Euan wants what his big brother has and big brother decides that
"he's a baby and can't play with this big boy's toy!". They love each other to bits though:) Should have given Tobey a sibling much earlier.

In terms of holidays, we had 2 mini local holidays last summer. We ventured into Lake district(with SK's parents and brother)...

and Butlins Skegness (just us) ....

Now looking forward to Easter break where we'll be back in Malaysia for 3 weeks. The last time we were back , I wasn't even pregnant with Euan yet. I hope none of us will fall ill this time. With me still breastfeeding Euan, hopefully he will not have any tummy upsets from the change of diet back home.
That's all for now :))