He's rounder now with all the breastmilk he's been getting...hehehe.. He's currently having a growth spurt , where he wants milk, alot of milk almost every hour at times. He has very strong neck and can turn his head left and right to look at things. He's attracted to anything red and will stare at that item for a long time. He's aware of his brother Tobey alot. When Tobey is playing near him, Euan will gaze at him and his eyes will follow him wherever he goes. Tobey on the other hand is becoming very protective of his little brother. Whenever Euan cries he will say "Don't worry Euan, Big Brother Tobey is here!". He will always be very happy to see Euan after school. It's very heartwarming for me to see that they are starting to bond a little. Euan is also more aware of daddy now...probably wondering who is this man that looks so much like him ;P
Life for me after my parents went home (thank you papa and mummy for all the help and putting up with my hormonal mood swings )has been HECTIC! Basically, from the time I wake up at around 8 am it's go go go! Bath Euan and myself, feed Euan, eat breakfast with Tobey, house chores, feed Euan again, send Tobey to pre-school (he eats lunch at school), grocery shopping, feed Euan, put him down for a nap, cook dinner, pick Tobey up from pre-school, give Tobey his snack, finishing up preparing dinner and somemore housework, bath Tobey and give him his dinner....and on and on. After the initial hormonal weeks, now things are more settled, and admidst all the tiredness, I am actually very happy to look after this little family of mine :)
Updates on Tobey: (this is typed up very fast as Euan is currently tugging on SK's t-shirt, looking for a feed)

Tobey is growing up into a very boyish boy. His current favourite cartoon hero is no longer Firemand Sam, but Sportacus from the show Lazytown. He will do his Sportacus moves and can be persuaded to eat something that he doesn't want to eat just by saying "Sportacus eats this too". He loves school and is known as the one that gives the biggest smiles to the teachers. I love hearing about his school day on our walk back from school. He tells me that his favourite teacher are Mrs. Robot (Roberts) and Mrs. Garrrrrick (Garrick) and how he played "chasing" and "fighting" with Mitchell and Asher for example. He also pretends to be Luke skywalker from Star Wars alot (as he plays Lego Star Wars on Wii everynight with daddy-which is Darth Vader). He has light sabers (which actually lights up in different colours) and would spar like his character from the game. Tobey can recite his A-Z but can't recognise all the characters on paper yet. He still loves us to read to him and is learning to write his name. He loves playing Lego and stickle bricks, constructing bridges, buildings, cars, birthday cakes, etc., making up scenarios as he plays with them. So much more to update on my big boy, will do so when I find more time. Just want to say that I am very proud of him.
Got to go now.Bye.